Novel in a Day

The next Novel in a Day workshop is scheduled for Saturday, February 2, 2013 at Flagler College in St. Augustine. This is a benefit for the Florida Heritage Book Festival. Details to follow soon.

Writers today face an uphill climb. The competition is fierce, the learning curve steep. There’s no magic wand, but by learning the basic techniques for crafting a novel, the beginning writer can quickly flatten the learning curve.

For both beginning writers and more advanced pros looking for new insights, this workshop provides writers with the tools needed to craft their own novel—a novel that will grab a reader’s attention and keep them turning pages.

Here are some of the topics covered:

  • Elements of plot and structure
  • Creating characters that sizzle
  • Secrets of good dialogue
  • Crafting strong beginnings, middles and endings
  • Writing compelling scenes

Don’t put your writing dreams on hold—let the Novel in a Day Workshop show you how to turn rejection slips into royalties. Registration fee includes a 30-page workbook. Contact Vic if you’d like to schedule a Novel in a Day workshop for your writers group.

Testimonials from workshop participants

“Vic DiGenti is a great speaker and covered all the material you could want. Group work and matching handout were very helpful.” – Shannon B.

“Vic DiGenti is a superb instructor and offered a well-organized, interactive workshop. Great takeaway. A good session for both novice and experienced writers.” – Nancy F.

“Very fresh outlook, but also realistic about what it takes to write a novel. DiGenti was quirky and made a very productive workshop.” – Victoria C.

“I have not had such an enjoyable time or learned more at a workshop of any kind in many years. The day was fun, informative and interactive.” – Nick V.