I “Like” You, Too

On December 20 I kicked off a new contest I called the Drive to 205, a blatant  attempt to add more Likes to my Parker Francis Facebook page. At the time I had only 95 Likes and was feeling despondent. I said I hoped to double the current number to 205 in the next few weeks, but I was giving myself to the end of January to top the 200 mark. As an incentive I would hold a drawing for an autographed copy of BRING DOWN THE FURIES.

Who would have guessed so many people liked Parker Francis. By the end of January the number had far surpassed the 205 mark and settled in close to the 475 mark. I’ve been busy capturing the names of all the people who Liked the page and assigned each a number based on the chronological order they clicked the Like button. The next step will be to feed the total number into Random.org’s number generator and come out with a winning number.

Stay tuned. You might be the winner.