James R. Anthony: The Banker Who Shaped Florida’s History

Cover of "James R. Anthony The Banker Who Shaped Florida's History" by Victor DiGenti

Florida has as many stories as the people who created the legend of the Sunshine State. James R. Anthony was one of those people, a savvy businessman who documented Florida’s booms and busts and his rise to the “King of Chain Banks” in an amazingly detailed series of journals. These historical records introduce us to pioneers, politicians, millionaire developers, and sketchy con men. In this book, you’ll read about the heady days of Florida’s land boom that spread like wildfire from Miami, riveting the entire nation’s attention. J. R. Anthony observed it all, working and profiting through the good times and moving on before the economic balloon burst in 1926. Anthony’s story is much like Florida’s story—a fascinating history lesson brought to life in vivid detail by the man who helped shape it.

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