Getting to know You

Welcome to Blog Post #1 on Parker Francis’ new cyber home. This is where we can jump off cliffs together—if you’re so inclined—and where you can keep up with all things Parker Francis. This includes the next Quint Mitchell Mystery, Bring Down the Furies, and other projects.

As the title of this post implies, I’d like to get to know my readers as much as possible. I have met some of you, and have heard from quite a few others via email, but there’s always room for more. So don’t be afraid to respond to any of my blog posts, to tell me what you think of my books, and offer any suggestions that might make jumping off cliffs a little less dangerous. And if you’d like to receive my quarterly enewsletter, just click on the Subscribe button below this post.

I’ve heard from a number of readers wondering what the heck is happening with Quint. One reader told me his finger was poised above the BUY button on Amazon’s Kindle page. I hope he’s not getting cramps, but there’s good news to report. Furies has made it past my trusty editor. Last minute tweaks have been made. If all goes well, you will be able to click on that BUY button by the end of September. For now, the book will be exclusive to which means that anyone with a Kindle or Kindle app can purchase Bring Down the Furies and read it on their e-reading device, smart phone or tablet. Those of you who have yet to embrace the digital world will have to wait for the paperback version. Look for it about a month after the digital version.

If you read Matanzas Bay, and read the preview of Furies at the end of the book, you probably guessed that Quint will find himself in major danger as he tracks the Heartthrob Bandit to Allendale, South Carolina. While in this sleepy little town, Quint is embroiled in a deadly search for a serial arsonist and thrust in the midst of a cultural war that pits neighbor against neighbor.

The action comes fast. The tension remains high. People will die. And Quint … well, I won’t spoil it for you, but I think you’ll enjoy Quint’s next adventure as much as the last one. Soon you’ll be able to pre-order the book, and I’ll announce a contest and new promotions.

On the News & Events page you can read about Blue Crabs at Midnight, my first Quint Mitchell short story. He’s only thirteen in this story, but knowing Quint, he’s going to find a way to get into trouble. And he does, along with a rag tag group of boys who learn some hard lessons about life. I hope to have Blue Crabs available as a Kindle short prior to the launch of Bring Down the Furies. Here’s a sneak peek at the first page.

Let me hear from you, and check back often for new updates. In the meantime, check out the cover art for Bring Down the Furies. I hope you like it.