The Stay-At-Home Book Tour

The question most indie authors are asked is how can you get people to notice your book. It’s a good questions considering hundreds of thousands of new books, many of them ebooks, enter the marketplace each year. After the more traditional marketing techniques are tried, we begin looking for the non-traditional. One of these new tools is the Blog Tour. A Blog Tour is much like the traditional book tour where authors drove or jetted around the country or region appearing on talk shows and doing signings at a variety of book stores. Today you can tour from your own home by appearing on various blogs as a guest poster or being interviewed by the blog host. Others will review your book.

I did this to a limited extent with MATANZAS BAY, hitting six or seven blogs with interviews and guest posts. Tomorrow I launch the grand tour with more than 25 blogs lined up. I’ve already responded to questions from three bloggers, with more on the way, and many will be posting reviews of my book.


There’s also a goodie basket to be given away at the conclusion of the tour. It includes a $50 Amazon gift card, a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card, and autographed copies of both MATANZAS BAY and BRING DOWN THE FURIES. You can see a listing of the blogs at the bottom of my special Book Tour page and keep up with my progress. The gift basket was just announced this morning with a 50-blog blast and there’s already over 1,300 people entered to win.

Wish me luck and I’ll do the same to you and hope you win the gift package.