The Light Fantastic

Cover of 'The Light Fantastic' by Parker FrancisFrom the sublime to the ridiculous, and every star-date in between, nine authors (including Parker Francis) follow in the footsteps of great speculative fiction humorists such as Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett in this collection of ten eild and weird tales.

My story, “Farewell, My Lovely Slip-Slider,” is a broad, futuristic homage and parody celebrated crime writer Raymond Chandler’s classic, Farewell, My Lovely and his protagonist Philip Marlowe. In the story, I bring together a beautiful multiverse criminal, a heartbroken pizza baron, and a dog named Pepperoni. All in a day’s work in the life of government agent Marlon Phillips.

Other stories include “The Reddies are Coming! The Reddies are Coming!” by Daco Auffenorde, “Baking Cookies for the End of the World,” by Kristin Durfee, “Empty Suit” by Ken Pelham, “Backlash/Frontlash/Whiplash” by Bria Burton, “Andromeda Calling” and Sod’s Law” by Charles Cornell, “Laser Hamsters” by John Hope, “The Thirteenth Floor” by Scott Michael Powers, and “Malice” by Veronica H. Hart


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