Contests on the way

The first Quint Mitchell book give-away is over. Congratulations to Anna Rabhan and Randy Austin, winners of a Kindle copy of Bring Down the Furies. They won it after purchasing a copy of Blue Crabs at Midnight and entering the contest by forwarding a copy of  their receipt.

Blue Crabs at Midnight provides a different take on our hard-bitten protagonist Quint Mitchell since he’s only 13-years old in the story. But he still manages to find trouble. I hope the story whet’s your appetite for Bring Down the Furies. That book is available in both digital and print formats.

The new Quint Mitchell Mystery is already garnering strong advance reviews. Best-selling author Steve Berry (The Columbus Affair) had this to say: “Another terrific outing for Parker Francis, who definitely delivers what readers want.  He’s a powerhouse storyteller and a welcome addition to the thriller genre.  Hang on tight and remember to breathe.”