Posts Tagged ‘Matanzas Bay’

Listen to Matanzas Bay

If you’re like me, you listen to nearly as many books as you read. I’m hooked on them and always have one in my car, as well as another loaded on my iPhone to listen to when I’m puttering around the yard or taking a run on the treadmill. Ever read more…

Kindle Free Promoton — Part Two

In last week’s post I announced my first free promotion of MATANZAS BAY as part of the KDP Select Program which gives authors up to

five days over a 90-day period to offer their book free of charge. I’d heard from many authors who had done free promotions with varying results. read more…

Barnes & Noble Signing

Saturday, January 12 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
10280 Midtown Parkway (St. Johns Town Center)
Jacksonville, FL

The Book Loft Signing

Saturday, December 22, 2012 – 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
214 Centre Street, Fernandina Beach, FL

Arlington Rotary Talk

Thursday, December 13 – 12:30 p.m.
Jacksonville University Student Center

Blog Hop

You’ve heard of Hip Hop, the Bunny Hop, the movie HOP and maybe you older folks have even heard of Hopalong Cassidy. Now comes a totally new Hop — the Blog Hop. I’ve been tagged to participate in this new form of network marketing for authors by Amy Shojai who read more…

Upcoming Releases

You’ll be glad to know that Bring Down the Furies is now available for purchase as a Kindle eBook, and soon will be in print for those of you not into digital reading devices. Please Subscribe to the Parker Francis enewsletter to learn when the trade paperback version becomes available.

Furies received high read more…