Posts Tagged ‘short stories’

The Prometheus Saga

Most of us know that Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, thought to be the very first science fiction novel. The book was published in 1818, and quickly became a cult classic. But did you know that between 1910 and 1994 there were more than 70 major feature films made based either directly or indirectly read more…

Ready for the Beehive?

There’s a new reading experience on the horizon. We call it The Alvarium Experiment. An alvarium is a beehive, a colony working toward a common goal. In this case, the goal isn’t sweet honey, but an anthology, a collection of stories built around a common theme.

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Ghostly Whispers, Secret Voices

Unlike novels, which are complex and layered structures unfolding, perhaps, over long periods of time, the short story is a drive-by glance at life. Compressed into far fewer words than a novel, the short story focuses on a literary lightning bolt striking the protagonist with some blinding read more…

Parker is hearing “Ghostly Whispers”

If you’ve been wondering what old Parker has been up to, you’ll be happy to hear I’ve added a new book to the Kindle shelf. While it’s not another Quint Mitchell Mystery (more about that later), it is a collection of short stories titled GHOSTLY WHISPERS, SECRET VOICES.  The collection is subtitled, read more…