Blog Hop

You’ve heard of Hip Hop, the Bunny Hop, the movie HOP and maybe you older folks have even heard of Hopalong Cassidy. Now comes a totally new Hop — the Blog Hop. I’ve been tagged to participate in this new form of network marketing for authors by Amy Shojai who recently published her first thriller. Each author must line up five other authors who will in turn answer the same ten questions about their book or work in progress. My turn to do the Blog Hop is this Wednesday, December 12, so please return here on Wednesday to see how I’ve answered the questions, including what movie star I picture as playing Quint Mitchell in the movie (oh, if that were only true).

I’ve tapped the following five authors who will post their Blog Hop next Wednesday: Chuck Barrett, Sharon Cobb, Charles Cornell, J. W. Thompson and Ron Whittington. I’ll tell you a bit more about each of them in my next blog post.

Stay tuned because things will be hopping soon.