The Strange Case of Lord Byron’s Lover Wins Award

When I agreed to write a story for The Prometheus Saga, a science-fiction anthology, I wasn’t sure what I’d write about, or even if I could pen a SF tale since I’m primarily a mystery writer. But The Strange Case of Lord Byron’s Lover has not only proven to be a hit with readers, but it received 1st Place in the prestigious Royal Palm Literary Awards at FWA’s annual conference recently. And, as I later found out, the entry reaped the second highest combined score from the contest judges, garnering 197 out of a possible 200 points.

The Strange Case of Lord Byron’s Lover recounts a series of perplexing events during Mary Shelley’s visit with Lord Byron in 1816—a visit that resulted in the creation of her famous Frankenstein novel, but also uncovered a remarkable mystery.

The Prometheus Saga features the work of 12 award-winning writers, and each story is built around a central premise involving a humanoid probe left behind by aliens to monitor the progress of the human race. Each author was free to interpret how an alien presence would interact with the human condition over a time period that spans from the dawn of man to the present. The stories cross genres and genders, allowing for entirely different narratives and insights on historical events and the human experience.RPLA Signing w Award

The individual authors originally published each of the thirteen stories digitally as separate stories. All of them are now available in a single print anthology, which can be ordered from Six other authors in the collection also won RPLA Awards. The anthology includes the following stories:

First World War, by Ken Pelham

Lilith & Fifteen Dollars’ Guilt,
 by Antonio Simon Jr.
Marathon, by Doug Dandridge

East of the Sun, by Jade Kerrion

Manteo, by Elle Andrews Patt

On Both Sides, by Bria Burton

Ever After, by MJ CarlsonRPLA_1stPl_Badge

The Strange Case of Lord Byron’s Lover, by Parker Francis

Crystal Night, by Charles A Cornell

Strangers on a Plane, by Kay Kendall

The Blurred Man, by Bard Constantine

The Pisces Affair, by Daco Auffenorde

The Strange Case of Lord Byron’s Lover is available digitally as an individual story by clicking here, or as part of The Prometheus Saga collection, a print book available here

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